Monday, August 10, 2015

Absence of Talent

Absence of Talent
Do you know what a big gang of untalented hacks do after they can't plagiarize a popular author on the internet anymore and they can't compete against his superior talent? They attack their victim's image and reputation. So that's why some of you are hearing that 'mine are crazy'.

I've had to defend against myself against this insanity charge a little too often now to have any faith left in our justice system. I must again repeat that I was not forced onto disability until I found myself the sole victim of a big gang of stars who stole all of the love and all of the money that was coming to me for my original works that I shared on the internet between 1999 and 2007. In their hands, they urged you to accept these works as masterpieces. Now that I have recovered possession of them, they want you to reject them as 'crazy'.

If I'm crazy, at least I am crazy with my own copyrighted words. These stars thought they were me. They thought they were artists just because they know how to copy and paste and lie about their sources. Whatever form of insanity I may suffer from is harmless, but these stars are criminally insane. Why does anyone listen to them?

And how would any of you out there handle having to live my life? How would you react to the onset of so much inexplicable hate and malice when you were living peacefully by yourself and causing no one else the slightest harm? How would you handle the memory of some of your finest work being illegally broadcast on the same TV and radio that devotes itself to destroying you in the present? How would you like to walk alone through crowds of people who profited from crimes committed against you day after day? Would you be calm and rational through it? Wouldn't you occasionally break down and scream from the obscene pressure of such cruel and endless injustice? How many times have I had to repeat this answer to the same stupid accusation now? More than a little galling, wouldn't you say?

I'll let you think about that while I try to put together another script for my readers. Now that the business is protecting my work a little better, maybe we can look forward to these scripts being broadcast on a channel you can trust at some future point, instead of being ruined by crooked shows like Saturday Night Live.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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